March 5 / Joshua 18-21

Imagine the leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel standing in a circle singing: “This land is your land, this land is my land, from Gath-rimmon to Shaalabbin…from Gibbethon to the land of El-te-keh, this land is made for you and me!”

Ok, that probably didn’t happen. But chapters 18-21 do review the regions and towns assigned to each of the tribes of Israel. Mind numbing to us, but exciting to the Israelites. Here is our land, at last!

Special arrangements are made for Joshua, for the Levites (who care for the Tabernacle) and for providing cities of refuge in each tribal region (Joshua 20). You may remember that cities of refuge allowed those who accidently kill others to be protected from irate family members seeking revenge. It is a wise provision given our emotional impulses, giving time for angry families to calm down, and do their grieving, before making the situation worse by committing homicide!

It is interesting to note that 600 years have passed since God first gave the promise of land and a great nation to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3). Why so long? Because God chooses to work through time, space and historical process. More importantly, God is pleased to use humans who trust him as his agents to bring about his purposes.

This is quite an honor! As followers of Jesus, we are called to help grow the kingdom of God by taking the gospel to the nations (Matthew 28:9-10) and by being partners with Christ in his sufferings (1 Peter 4:13). It seems also that we will reign with Christ in the New Creation: “If we die with him, we will also live with him. If we endure hardship, we will reign with him.” (2 Timothy 2:11-12).

It is fun to imagine what this will involve, but needless to say it will be great. God’s gift of the Promised Land to inherit and occupy suggests that we are people made for the earth. It also points us to the expectation that our destiny is to spend eternity on a renewed earth, doing all the things we associate with a rich and satisfying life on this earth, except without sin and death

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the hope of eternal life as resurrected people in a new heavens and earth. Israel’s dwelling in the Promised Land, with you in their midst, excites our imagination about what is to come on that great day when we share your glory! Amen.

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